Reviewing Design
We can review detailed designs or conduct independent risk assessments.
Our review is based on clear process, information and data, and an in-depth knowledge of relevant standards to ensure that we focus on aspects of the design or work that are most likely to produce permanent damage (fatalities or permanent impairment).
Obtaining an independent review of your design provides you with an opportunity to satisfy due diligence expectations. More importantly it provides opportunity to modify your design so that future damaging occurrences can be prevented at the design stage. This can save significant time and money.
Our design reviews draw on the investigation of over 10,000 incidents culminating in permanent damage (fatality of permanent impairment). They also draw on over 120 taxonomies of industry incident data of permanent damage (fatal and non-fatal). We also have a sound knowledge of legislation, safety standards and codes of practice for Australian industry. Our in-house library currently contains in excess of 25,000 safety related entries.
We typically conduct desk-top reviews of your design specifications and drawings after we decide on an appropriate scope for the review. We can conduct reviews during any stage from pre-feasibility to detail design. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs. We can also train you to conduct your own Safety in Design reviews or risk assessments.