Safety in Design

The detailed design phase of a product, plant or facility presents a unique opportunity to identify and mitigate potential damage for future users (constructors, operators, maintainers). The cost of retrofitting or changing design features during operation is 3 to 10 times the cost of identifying the preferred design features at the outset.

Sole compliance with standards may not sensitise designers to those features of their design that are historically involved in incidents which permanently damage the people using the product, plant or facility.

Many organisations have therefore adopted the scientifically-based Damaging Energy framework, Energy Concepts™, for identifying hazards in their workplace. This Energy Based Safety framework is used by InterSafe in design standards, design reviews, workplace inspections, audits and incident investigations. The damaging energy framework is a powerful predictor for future damage that can be used to maximum effect during the design process.

We help improve your existing Safety in Design efforts by providing you with factual information to assist you to identify those aspects of your design that are likely to be involved in future damaging occurrences. We combine engineering, ergonomic and human factors expertise to help you create a safer workplace.

We have developed a range of training courses, InFormed™, which are suitable for designers, leaders of design reviews, and for scoping and auditing design reviews. We have also developed a detailed HSE in Design Philosophy document which includes design criteria associated with each of the damaging energies.

We can train your designers and your Safety in Design review leaders/facilitators in how to conduct a useful and effective design review.

We can also:

  • Facilitate or lead your design review teams.
  • Provide subject matter expertise for design reviews as part of a team.
  • Conduct an independent Safety in Design review of your designs.