This document forms part of the InFormed™ suite of Safety in Design products. InFormed™ or INformation FOR Managing Energy by Design is based on InterSafe’s Damaging Energy Framework. This 174 page document is focused on managing Permanent Damage to People (Multiple Fatalities, Single Fatalities, Permanent Impairment/Disability) and Environment Damage by recommending design philosophies and design criteria for each potential Damaging Energy. The philosophies and criteria are based on InterSafe’s expertise developed over more than 20 years of research, industry consultation and investigation of more than 10,000 incidents involving Permanent Damage to people. Each Damaging Energy is addressed as follows;
- ENERGY / SUBGROUP: This is the energy and specific subgroup of energy exchange to be managed.
- MAXIMUM REASONABLE CONSEQUENCE: This is the most likely maximum consequence from this energy exchange.
- CONTEXT STATEMENT: This is a statement of the prevalence of this energy type in the pattern of people / environment damage.
- HSE IN DESIGN PHILOSOPHY: This is a statement/s of what we want to achieve and how to deal with the management of this energy & subgroup.
- HSE IN DESIGN CRITERIA: This is a list of some of the specific ways we can manage this energy & subgroup. The criteria are those considered by InterSafe to be necessary.
- GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS: This is a list of guidance documents which may be met in the specific design detail of management of this energy & subgroup.
- EXAMPLES: This provides the designer with an example of how the Design Philosophy and Design Criteria might be applied. The example will usually be an example of Clever Design, Leading Design or Out of the Box Design.
This document is intended to be generic to all industries however InterSafe can develop a document specific to a particular client, specific to a particular industry and specific to a particular regulatory jurisdiction. Please contact InterSafe for more details on developing a customized version of this document for your specific purposes. InterSafe can also provide a range of training courses to assist with embedding the InFormed™ approach to Safety in Design. Please contact InterSafe for more details.
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