Behaviour Management Training
We provide a 2 day training course for facilitation of Collective Insights™ engagement sessions. We also provide on-site coaching and mentoring of trained facilitators. The training session is designed for a maximum of 6 facilitators.
Using an informed, capable and consistent approach to the facilitation of Collective Insights™ sessions will maximise the power of Collective Insights™. We can train you to achieve this.
Our training and coaching is delivered by experienced facilitators of Collective Insights™ and addresses the common issues that facilitators face.
Who you train to facilitate Collective Insights™ sessions is your choice. We have developed a short list of the desired capabilities and attributes of facilitators to assist you in your selection.
We are happy to discuss your specific training needs and accommodate your requirements where we can.
Please contact us if you desire to use the Collective Insights™ process and we will negotiate a suitable Intellectual Property agreement with you.