Collective Insights™

Collective Insights™ is our process for engaging a work group to ensure the effectiveness of controls in your workplace.

These controls can be behavioural or equipment related at a task level.  The process is designed to enable the free flow of quality information between workers and their managers so that gaps can be quickly identified and remedied.

The Collective Insights™ process drives you to have meaningful conversations regarding critical leadership behaviours, workgroup behaviours and task controls to ensure that critical behaviours and controls remain effective and improve over time.  Actively engaging your management teams and work groups in Collective Insights™ communicates to all levels of your organisation that you are committed to preventing permanently damaging incidents.

Traditional behaviour observations or interactions are achieved by an external person observing others at work.  This has value, but also significant limitations.  The “observed persons” may significantly modify their behaviour, while they are being observed, to an expected or “legislated” behaviour.  The conversation can be limited, by knowledge or experience, to only those issues the observer identifies as critical in the task.  This approach usually does not recognise that within a workgroup there is a social strata that influences the behaviour of group members.

Collective Insights™ differs from traditional behaviour observation or interaction processes because it harnesses the social dynamic of the workgroup to influence individual behaviours through a structured engagement process.  The group is facilitated to establish performance goals and develop their own action plan.  The “social energy” of the group promotes behavioural conformance and long term change and is significantly more successful than change imposed from outside the group.  This process can help develop the workplace culture you are looking for.

The Collective Insights™ process can be applied to all, or select, workgroups.  It can be applied to all, or select, leadership groups.  Our experience, as with all effective engagement processes, is that it is most successful when the leadership strata is also participating in Collective Insights™ sessions and not just their workgroups.

We are able to facilitate Collective Insights™ sessions for you on site or train your people in facilitating sessions.