Workplace and Task Audits and Assessment

Our workplace and task audits and assessments provide a structured risk profile of the workplace or task.

We provide clear, prioritised recommendations for improvement that will assist your organisation to effectively manage the potential for permanent damage (fatality or permanent impairment).  This can be done at high levels of risk assessment for a complete operation through to assessing an individual task.  We also provide compliance-based audits to a range of safety based legislation, codes of practice, standards or in-house standards.  Typically our workplace or task assessment includes the use of Focussed Recall™.

Identifying the realistic scenarios which could result in permanent damage (fatality and permanent impairment) and putting effective controls in place will protect you and your personnel from serious injury or disease.

Our audits and assessments go beyond the conventional compliance-based assessments.  Our extensive knowledge of incidents culminating in permanent damage, our damaging energy and Essential Factors™ models and epidemiological data guide us to provide you with a focussed and useful scope of work.  We can advise when to go beyond compliance to effectively manage your risks.

We can audit as an independent third party, facilitate a site team, or contribute to a site team.

We are happy to discuss your specific workplace audit and assessment needs and are committed to tailoring our service to meet your requirements.