Access Systems Assessment
We assess features of access systems and provide recommendations to reduce or prevent the potential for falls and near falls on access systems.
This includes walkways, stairways, ramps, vehicle access, mobile plant access, and ladder access.
Many permanently damaging occurrences are related to people using access systems and falling or nearly falling. These falls and near falls will be reduced by ensuring the design of your access systems are compatible with the tasks that people are conducting and by providing them with the best opportunity to safely negotiate the access system.
Our assessment is based on the investigation of thousands of incidents involving access systems and an in-depth understanding of the practical aspects of how people use access systems. We complement this with an understanding of the requirements of the National Construction Code (including the Building Code of Australia) and other Australian standards, including AS1657, AS1428, AS1735 and lighting standards. We understand the limitations of the codes and standards and can advise you when to go beyond compliance to effectively manage your access system design.
We are happy to discuss your specific access system assessment needs and accommodate your requirements where we can.